run, repeat

Saturday’s workout: Figure 8 loop, starting and ending at Grand Central Bakery on Fremont (see route on MapMyRun)

  • Distance: 5.87 miles (the route is 5.6, but I did a little extra near the end)
  • Time: 53:27
  • Pace: 9:06

Sunday’s workout: Same run, for comparison (and, also, because I dropped my driver’s license on Saturday and wondered if I’d find it today … no luck)

  • Distance: 5.67
  • Time: 51:06
  • Pace: 9:00

Here’s a look at the loop and elevation:

Fremont Loop

It’s an easy route with a gradual hill going north on 7th Ave — enough to keep you on your toes, not enough to totally kick your butt.

And you know what? I LOVE THE SUN. On Saturday, I ran in 72° weather, around noon. Total perfection. I was really excited to pull out the shorts and running belt:


I’m pretty modest in my real life, but not so much in my running life. If the sun is out in Portland, you bet I want to expose as much skin as possible to those rays. Soaking up the vitamin D one mile at a time.

Yesterday was perfect; today verged on a bit too hot: 78°. But, how can you complain with views like this?


Flowers in bloom! It's finally spring in Portland.

Was feeling some hip pain near the end of the run, so now I look something like this:


Icing the hips, foam rolling and stretching. Trying to train smart, people.