form focus (2 of 6)

I’ve been busy and have fallen behind here. Let’s catch up on runs and then hop to the next form focus.

Monday (of last week): 25 min fast run (in Chicago)

Tuesday: 5.6 mile tempo run (back in Portland)

Wednesday: Physique 57 (30 minutes)

Thursday: speed work (warmup, 4 x 400s, cool down)

Friday: rest day

Saturday: 10 mile long run

Sunday: kickball (so, er, a rest day)

Some thoughts on the week’s runs:

  • The good: I did my long run without too much soreness (a little bit of hip pain at the end) and not a lot of boredom (I wondered if I’d be over it at any point). And I pushed myself a lot in the tempo run on Tuesday — huffing and puffing, but still moving more or less as quickly as I could.
  • The bad: My pace for the tempo run was a lot slower than I wanted it to be. I can’t figure out if I’ve sort of hit a plateau for the moment or if my legs are fatigued or what.

Want to see a before & after from my long run (pardon yet another photo of me in my entryway)?

before and after

Ok, this wasn’t exactly *after* the run, but after a shower and a cute outfit. :)

So, let’s talk form. (As a reminder, I’m sharing form focuses covered in Chi Marathon and adding a bit about my own running habits.)

In the first post, I wrote about posture. And I suppose you’re thinking that running with good posture is a given. But, have you checked out joggers on the street lately? There’s a lot of shoulders-up-to-the-ears and butts-popped-out and duck feet going on.

Today’s focus goes hand-in-hand with posture: it’s the lean.

Here’s how Chi Marathon explains it:

A slight forward lean from your ankles is enough to allow gravity to assist you in falling forward. As your column falls forward, it passes over the foot that’s on the ground. The oncoming force of the road sweeps your support leg out behind you, allowing your leading foot to land beneath your center of mass, in a midfoot strike. This leg then momentarily supports your weight as your column passes over it and the whole cycle happens again. If you’re running at a 180 spm cadence, the cycle happens three times every second.

And here’s how I’m focusing while I run:

  1. Leaning forward with my whole body (not just bending at the waist)
  2. Striking with my midfoot (goodbye, heel strike)
  3. Keeping my feet beneath me (not over-extending way out in front of my body)

The lean is also supported by your arm swing. Did you know you’re supposed to swing your arms to the rear as you fall forward?

And, finally, relax your lower legs, feet and ankles. Again, this sounds kind of obvious, but I realized that I used to run with a lot of tension in my feet. Sort of like bracing myself for each stride, versus just letting myself lean into the stride and letting my feet float beneath me. (Float is a stretch, but you see what I mean.)

Without a doubt, of all form changes I’ve made, the lean is making the biggest difference. Midfoot striking is helping to minimize my IT tightness, and the lean really helps to conserve energy (letting gravity do some of the work for me). I can’t tell you how much energy I used to waste when I ran upright and nearly hopped straight up and down. Now the movement is all about going forward and relaxing. It feels gooood.

Tell me: What’s your foot strike? Have you tried leaning into your run? How do you relax while running?

Up next: lower body focuses

form focus (1 of 6)

Hello! I’m back from a trip to Chicago. It was wonderful. I love vacation.


Shall I catch you up on my running? (There’s been less running than I would’ve liked …)

Wednesday (of last week): 5 mile easy run

Thursday: nada (on planes all day)

(More on last week’s runs in the next post.)

On Wednesday, I did an easy run (mostly flat, some gradual downhills) with my friend, Julie, who just ran her first marathon (in Eugene). I’m kind of in awe of her performance: 3:54. Under 4 hours! Did I mention it was her first marathon? I’d like to be so lucky (and tough!) when (if?) I run my first marathon. (But let’s conquer the half first.)

Speaking of marathons and half marathons, I just finished reading Chi Marathon, which focuses on how to run with proper form to eliminate injuries — and how to relax to conserve (and smartly use) energy. The idea is that if you run properly, it’ll become effortless. I like the idea of that.

The book covers lots of other things, like sensing your body’s needs, setting goals, preparing for race day and more. But the biggest revelation for me was the section on technique.

In the next six posts, I’m going to focus on six aspects of running form, as covered in Chi Marathon. I’ll go through them very briefly and talk a bit about how they relate to my running. Of course, if they pique your interest or seem relevant to your running, you should read the book yourself. Or consult a coach or physician. I am not a doctor, trainer or nutritionist, and you shouldn’t take my word for any of this running stuff! (Have I covered my a$$ correctly with that?)

form focus: posture & alignment

This first form focus is one that seems kind of obvious at first. Duh, you should be running upright. But there is so much more to running with proper posture. So much, in fact, that it can be overwhelming to think about while running — and hard to tell if your posture is actually correct because you can’t see yourself. (Lately, I’m doing a lot of checking myself out while I’m running past big windows. And I’m trying to get in touch with my body and feel how my posture shifts as I run on flats, up hills or when I change my speed.)

According to Chi Marathon, there are two aspects of your stride that require proper posture and alignment:

  1. The support phase, when your body is supported by your feet hitting the ground
  2. And the flight phase, when you’re not in contact with the ground

Your posture is most significant when you’re in the support phase (from the time your foot hits to the time it rolls off the ground), and it’s also during this phase that the most injuries happen (especially if you’re a heel striker, which we’ll talk about in a later post). Think how many times your feet hit the ground. If your hips are misaligned, if your foot faces a funny direction, if you’re slouching, you’re putting tons of pressure on your muscles to do extra work.

Chi Running tells you to think of your body — from the very crown of your head to the bottom of your arch — as a column, and each piece needs to align with the next: align your feet with your legs (feet point straight forward, not splayed out), lengthen your spine (with knees always slightly bent), engage your core (without tensing your glutes), shoulders should be over your hips (not behind them) and, finally, your entire column should mimic a very slight C. (The C shape is kind of hard to describe without pics, but basically, you want your booty tucked in, not popped out — and no arch in your back. Also: eyes forward with no neck tension.)

Sounds easy enough, but it doesn’t come naturally to a lot of us. Especially if we’re sitting at a desk all day, shoulders slumped (guilty!). Or if we did gymnastics or ballet for years as a kid and learned to stand in first position hour after hour (guilty again). Or if we have a cheap ass mattress and sleep on our stomachs, contorting our necks (you get the idea).

Of course, running posture isn’t just important while you’re running. You’ve got to practice it all day long so it starts to become natural while running.

So I’m giving myself posture check-ups throughout the day and practicing the little exercises in the book. And thinking about how I need to do yoga more because it always makes me feel three inches taller afterward.


That’s posture in a nutshell. Stand tall, runners. And tuck that booty.

Tomorrow, we’ll talk about the lean (and I’ll share some pics from Chicago … get excited). Because, even though you’re standing tall and relaxed, it’s not quite how you should run. (You probably know that already, but I realized I was wasting tons of energy with my upright bunny-hopping version of running. That’s no longer happening these days.)