chasing beast mode

Friday’s workout: nothing

Saturday’s workout: 8 mile run, 8:42 avg pace (splits below)

I felt nearly euphoric on today’s run. The route was good — I hit Lloyd area, Broadway/Sullivan’s Gulch, Fremont and Killingsworth — and it was my favorite running weather: 65 and sunny. I also had way too much fun with my outfit:

running outfit

Go ahead: be jealous that I'm wearing 11 different colors.

Here’s a summary view of the run (I don’t trust that I burned over 900 calories, but whatever):

Lloyd route

And my mile splits:

  • mile 1: 8:44
  • mile 2: 8:29
  • mile 3: 9:05
  • mile 4: 8:49
  • mile 5: 8:56
  • mile 6: 9:08
  • mile 7: 8:15
  • mile 8: 8:01

The hilliest parts of the run (still not very hilly) were in miles 3 and 6, with some gradual hills in miles 4 and 5. By mile 7, I knew I was on the flat homestretch, and I had energy to burn.

I’m thinking my race pace goal of 8:30 is attainable. Sweet.

And using the Garmin seems to change my running philosophy a bit. I’m much more focused on finishing one mile at a time, not so obsessed with the whole shebang.

I wore compression socks and didn’t feel any knee or hip pain — hooray! — but that doesn’t mean the foam roller didn’t kick my ass when I got home.

foam roller

My IT band's best friend. And its worst enemy.

What’s putting you in beast mode this weekend? :)